Years have passed and life has turned my hair white. I had to lay to rest my last two beautiful Malamutes, Ike and Yukitu. Now the 'wolf' of my home, Little Creek Wolf Range, is a northern rescue dog. I named her Piji. "My mutt from Nunavut," I say with affection. She is a lucky find.

At last I have finished that novel, Bear With Me. Publication date is autumn, 2024, by Rock's Mills Press.
Don't expect a sequel to City Wolves, though it is, in an odd way. Nor is it about bears. Following the trail of a wildlife photographer in a marriage that becomes dangerous, the story takes you, with heart and an unusual perspective, to the oil rush city of Fort McMurray. It introduces you to a modern woman veterinarian whose security force is donkeys. She runs a feral dog project in Alberta. You get hauled by sled to camp on ice in the High Arctic when the wildlife gathers at the floe edge. Then, back home to dogs and people in Ottawa, with a party that has life-changing consequences. The trail ends with fireworks, Canadian style.
